Our People
Diversity & Inclusion interwoven into everything we do
Over the last 12 months we have continued to integrate diversity and inclusion (D&I) across the business. Our aim is to promote a fully inclusive and diverse culture that provides equitable opportunities for all and fosters creativity and innovation.
We want to ensure our workforce reflects the clients and communities that we serve. We recognise that diversity of experience and thought will not only help us create a workplace where our talent can thrive, but also helps us provide innovative solutions to our clients.
To ensure we are on track to meet our goals we have continued to listen to a broad cross-section of our people over the last year, through a series of surveys and inclusion labs. We have also introduced new surveys of people joining and leaving the Firm to help us identify trends that we can learn from and feed back into a continuous improvement loop. We are measuring 16 key engagement factors in these surveys, which are carried out independently, as well as using external benchmarks to gauge how our investment in D&I is progressing in comparison with other organisations.
Listening exercises
“Over the year to come we will also be carrying out some significant listening exercises to understand better what people value about working at the Firm. We hope that will help us identify where we can make further improvements to how we work,” says Karen Stages, Director of Human Resources at Charles Russell Speechlys.
Our HR team has continued to make significant investments in technology to give us real time access to people data, which enables us to make informed decisions more quickly, and we plan to explore other areas where we can expand the use of digital technology to drive D&I.
“We have made significant progress towards integrating and embedding D&I across our Firm and the benefits of that work are starting to show,” says Karen. “Our new Future Firm Group (FFG) will be key to building on that foundation and is focused on driving us even further forward. The FFG comprises a diverse group of senior people who will help shape D&I strategy, assess how we are doing against our ambitions, and ensure that we're removing any barriers and providing an enabling environment in which everyone can flourish and progress.”

“Collaboration is a key enabler for us. It's one of our core values. We recognise diversity of thought, sharing knowledge and working together not only provides a sense of belonging and development for our people, but also helps with client solutions as well.”
Karen Stages, Director of Human Resources, Charles Russell Speechlys
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